MlBayesOpt 0.3.3

MlBayesOpt 0.3.2

  • Add a vignette
  • Changed a option num_tree_range in rf_opt() to num_tree
  • Fix Bugs for SVM functions

MlBayesOpt 0.3.1

Fixed bugs

MlBayesOpt 0.3.0

  • Add a function for cross validation (SVM), svm_cv_opt().
  • Add choices for SVM functions(svm_opt() and svm_cv_opt()). We can use linear, polynomial, radial(default), sigmoid kernels in svm_kernel option.
  • We don’t have to write the object name for specifying label column.
    • before:
    res <- svm_opt(train_data = iris_train,
                   train_label = iris_train$Species,
                   test_data = iris_test,
                   test_label = iris_test$Species,
                   acq = "ucb"
    • after:
    res <- svm_opt(train_data = iris_train,
                   train_label = Species,
                   test_data = iris_test,
                   test_label = Species,
                   acq = "ucb"

MlBayesOpt 0.2.1

Fix minor bugs

MlBayesOpt 0.2.0

Support for cross validation, xgb_cv_opt()

MlBayesOpt 0.1.2

Fixed minor bugs

MlBayesOpt 0.1.1

xgb_opt() supports objective function “binary:logistic”

MlBayesOpt 0.1.0

Delete all warnings and notes

MlBayesOpt 0.0.9300

Add rf_opt()

MlBayesOpt 0.0.9200

Add parameter range to the arguments

MlBayesOpt 0.0.9100

Add svm_opt()

MlBayesOpt 0.0.9000

The first release. xgb_opt() only.